The beauty of scientists finding a planet with an orbit in a statistically probable habitable zone is the "blue sky" potential of similar and greater discoveries in future years.

Scientists all over this spinning ball of blue, green and brown fun are excited about the new Gliese 581 planet nicknamed Zarmina's World, however the implications of GJ581g's discovery may indicate even more planets like ours, and provide clues as to what to look for. Gliese 581 g (GJ581g) doesn't get much warmer than -12 degrees Celsius, which is about +10 Farenheit; even though that may be habitable if the atmosphere is not toxic, the cool part is that it illustrates the parameters that may lead to locating other spheres with an even greater resemblance to our home in this Universe, usually called Earth yet nowadays increasingly known by Her earlier moniker, Gaia.
GJ581g may not be the tru Goldilocks planet (not to hot, not too cold), however she sure points the way to humans finding our Princess Goldilocks one day, perhaps not too far away from now.
News about Zarmina's World
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