Galactic cosmic rays are one of the most important barriers standing in the way of plans for interplanetary travel by crewed spacecraft.
- Wikipedia, 2011
I am remembering something I read about the two types of space radiation common in our solar system, and how the intensity of this radiation is somewhat predictable using historical data and recent activity. My recall may be faulty, but the premise was something like the expected danger period actually coincided with plans for renewed manned space travel. Now there's the rub ...
Can any readers provide links to articles on this topic? I will do a much longer blogpost when I have some data regarding solar flares and space radiation and the risks to manned space travel. My theory involves promoting the use of robots during the dangerous radiation periods, and resuming human space travel only after the extreme danger fades away.
Any insight into which coming years and decades have the most risk will be greatly appreciated, please post links and info in Comments section below.
from Wikipedia, ;
Astronomy blog with news on Gliese 581g, Exoplanets, 2012 Transit of Venus, Zarmina's World, exoplanetary exploration, Extreme Supermoons, Kepler telescope, 2012 astronomy, Maya prophecies, links to astronomy websites, 2012 Transit of Venus, 21st century architecture, astronomers, solar energy, astronomical news.
Is There LIFE on Planet GJ581g?
GJ 581 g is an Earth-like planet recently discovered orbiting Gliese 581, a red dwarf star categorized as M Dwarf. This new discovery is perceived by scientists as as a Goldilocks type sphere - not too hot, not too cold. Nicknamed Zarminas World (after his wife Zarmina) by project leader Steven S Vogt, GJ581g will fascinate and enthrall Earthlings for generations to come.
GJ581G Orbiting Gliese 581

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